Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Filming for 3rd Advert

This week we have finally established what we aim to produce in our 3rd advert. We finalised our overall ideology and what shots we need in which to achieve this. We aim to film the entire advert tomorrow and tie up the other lose ends on the previous adverts. We will also have a discussion with our teacher today to see what he feels needs to be done for all three adverts. Additionally he will provide help and ideas for the filming tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Since the coursework was set in September, the progress that I have made has been in fits and starts. At the beginning of the project I was extremely excited about the prospect of being able to produce adverts in something that I have a keen interest in. Our group got of to a great start and made significant progress in the theory side of the coursework. I learnt so much about the codes and conventions of advertising and a lot of in depth information through research. In the practical part of the coursework I have had both positive and negative experiences. The positives have involved learning in depth, how to use the macs and more importantly i movie, which can be complicated for someone who is not familiar with the format. I have developed my understanding and can now comfortably edit our work by adding music, title and any sfx that we want to incorporate. Additionally this year I have a much deeper understanding of how to manipulate the camera to get the best shot possible and exactly what you want to create. Other significant progress has been made through the development of a appreciation for the process of storyboarding.The negative regresses that have occurred are my organisation and a constant change in the product that we are going to advertise and therefore decisiveness. The issues I have faced with organisation is primarily due to my prioritisation, placing other subjects etc in front of my media coursework. Other factors included exams, weather conditions and actors. Another negative in my practical coursework was being extremely indecisive. I constantly changed ideas and products and therefore storyboards kept having to be re-drafted and this became very time consuming and this largely contributed to the moderate progress I have made recently. However in the last fortnight myself Phil have recovered focus and begun editing our second advert thoroughly and getting shots for the third this week. Overall I feel that I have made steady, moderate progress in this coursework.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Filming for 2nd Advert

Last week we were able to get some filming done for our second advert. It was extremly productive as we got all the shots we needed to in a suficient amount of time, which allowed us to do briefly edit our shots. By the end of the week we will be able to see what other shots we need and the ones we need to re-shoot and then move on to our 3rd advert.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Filming Recently

Phil and I have found it extremely difficult to film recently due to variety of problems. This included bad weather, road works, actor issues and our exam timetable. All these factors have had a massive impact on the amount of filming we have done recently. To combat this and meet the deadlines set we have completed a new shooting schedule, considering all the factors mentioned. We aim to re-shoot certain aspects of our first advert primarily so we can move on and concentrate fully on advert 2 which we plan to have the majority of shots complete by the end of the week. This means that we can get some editing done next week and hopefully have a good amount completed by the end of next week.